1.2.0 ------ - DotProduct file format support 1.3.0 ------ - NCtech ColourCloud integration 1.4.0 ------ - New XStreamEngine point cloud engine - Riegl file format support 1.5.0 ------ - Planar shader - Viewpoints - Multiple view slicing - Slice preview - Scripting 1.6.0 ------ - Faro file format support 1.7.0 ------ - Stability and performance improvements 1.8.0 ------ - Point cloud opacity controls - Motion smoothing - Point count attribute 1.9.0 ------ - Increased performance - Increased stability - Improved usability - Latest NCTech ColourCloud SDK - Latest Faro SDK - Increased trial session time of 20 minutes 1.10.0 ------ - Support for RhinoRender plugin 1.11.0 ------ - Not Released 1.12.0 ------ - Improved slice tool set - Faro 6.0 SDK (64bit only) - Faster Point Cloud import 1.13.0 ----- - Decoupled VPC Creator - Improved Network Streaming Performance - Fix clash when using multiple license dongles ----------------- - New Graphics - Fixed Attach Slice to Curve bug ----------------- - Integrated Pointfuse - Extra scripting options ----------------- - Integrated Pointfuse SDK - 14 day Pointfuse trial - Extra scripting options - Ability to enable/disable slice with clipping ----------------- - Fixed network license check bug ----------------- - Improved network streaming performance - Latest Pointfuse SDK - Pointfuse intensity & colour ----------------- - Improved network streaming performance - Japanese language support ----------------- - Lists missing project point clouds - Improved intensity shader - Updated Japanese language files - Less intrusive new version notification - Export selected to LAS or PTS - Return list of open point clouds through RhinoScript - Unload point clouds through RhinoScript ----------------- - Improved RhinoScript functions - Improved Japanese text layout ----------------- - Fixed bug when loading slices aligned to curves - Additional Japanese text - Latest Pointfuse SDK ----------------- - Latest Pointfuse SDK - Ability to lock slice position ----------------- - Updated licensing module ----------------- - Updated scripting options - Turned off cursor on locked slices ----------------- - Decoupled Pointfuse installer - Updated point filling alorithm ----------------- - Fixed Pointfuse License check bug ----------------- - Fixed bug with slicing introduced in last version ----------------- - Updated OpenGL Libraries - Improved performance - Improved compatability with 3rd party applications - Fixed bug where slices could be ignored in ortho views ----------------- - New License Platform - Fixed slice decimation bug ----------------- - Fixed potential conflict between high performance GPU's and License Platform ----------------- - Fixed issue where data could be loaded before UI was initialised causing out of sync displays ----------------- - Improved license check to allow UI to start automatically ----------------- - Improved point cloud performance (x5) - E57 Export ----------------- - Improved lighting - Improved network license checking ----------------- - Updated license lists - Refactored threading engine for better stability ----------------- - Improved license stability checks ----------------- - Fixed Render license conflict ----------------- - Fixed intensity ramp bug ----------------- - Improved point snapping, Arena4D point no longer visible to Rhino Selection ----------------- - Fixed potential "banding" in detail view prints ----------------- - Support for Arena4D Point Server security - Ability to access selected points through scripting - New slices given random colour - Removed 3rd party DLL dependencies ----------------- - Rhino 6 WIP Compatible Release ----------------- - Rhino 5 Version Number Updated (V5) ----------------- - Fixed incorrect version checking (V6) ----------------- - Fixed incorrect version checking - Fixed crash on project loading (V6) ----------------- - Fixed unable to drag Gumball with Point Snap active - Fixed corrupted graphics (V6) ----------------- - Improved point snapping - Point snapping enabled by default (V6) ----------------- - Fixed inverted RGB values in magnifier - Fixed "rendered" view being painted black (V6) ----------------- - Fixed issue where data was not being unloaded on when a new document was created (V6) ----------------- - Improved document loading performance after initial load (V6) ----------------- - Updated to latest Rhino 6.2. libraries - Fixed issue where point clouds were not visible on some computers (V6) ----------------- - Moved Pointfuse in to seperate installer (V5) ----------------- - Moved Pointfuse in to seperate installer - Baselined against V6 code (V6) ----------------- - Improved document handling for new V6 API's - Point snap OFF by default. (V5) ----------------- - Baselined against V6 code (V6) ----------------- - Fixed point clouds not rendering on some PC's - Fixed point clouds not being drawn on first installation (V5) ----------------- - Baselined against V6 code (V5) ----------------- - Fixed Gumball freezing with Point Snapping enabled (V6) ----------------- - Fixed Gumball freezing with Point Snapping enabled (V6) ----------------- - Fixed UI not refreshing if project loaded and UI is not primary tab - Fixed shader settings not being loaded from project - Fixed incorrect version warning 2.0.6765.26547 (v6) -------------- - Implemented XStreamEngine 2.0 - Faster rendering and smoother controls - Better Snap To Point performance 2.0.6767.19124 (v6) -------------- - Fixed potential crash when exiting Rhino 2.0.6778.21813 (v6) 23/07/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Stopped "Snap To Point" from blocking UI windows on exit - Fixed point clouds not being displayed on first install 2.0.6785.26642 (v6) 30/07/2018 -------------- - Fixed camera jitter when looking at models with large coodinates - Fixed issue where plugin would crash if VPC file was locked from read/write access 2.0.6845.17285 (v6) 28/09/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Faster point rendering - Ability to see selected points in "luminance" lighting mode 2.1.6863.25069 (v6) 16/10/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Ability to slice native Rhino data with "Slice" tool 2.1.6871.16444 (v6) 24/10/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Fixed corrupt slicing with large coordinates - "Select All" now respects active slice 2.1.6878.16868 (v6) 31/10/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Faster selection - Faster file loading 2.1.6890.23923 (v6) 12/11/2018 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK - Fixed issue on some GPU's where point clouds were not always displayed 2.2.6899.17530 (v6) 21/11/2018 -------------- - Point clouds now scaled correctly to Rhino drawing units 2.2.6916.36718 (v6) 08/12/2018 -------------- - Fixed crash when exporting e57 files 2.2.6927.37899 (v6) 19/12/2018 -------------- - Fixed point cloud rendering in detail views rendering/printing 2.2.6941.26437 (v6) 02/01/2019 -------------- - Made file access "read only" to support opening of files in multiple instances of Rhino - Removes automatic "zoom to" on opening new files 2.2.6943.18063 (v6) 04/01/2019 -------------- - Fixed point cloud properties not being loaded when projected opened from File Explorer. - Fixed occaisional point cloud flickering in Perspective View - Fixed gap filling ratio incorrect scaling when not working in metres 2.2.6954.21458 (v6) 15/01/2019 -------------- - Fixed issue where some point clouds were not visible in viewing area 2.2.6971.15297 (v6) 01/02/2019 -------------- - Fixed issue where an exception may be thrown when exiting Rhino 2.2.6997.24867 (v6) 27/02/2019 -------------- - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK 2.3.7009.25958 (v6) 11/03/2019 -------------- - Added ability to move point cloud 2.4.7010.24267 (v6) 12/03/2019 -------------- - Added button to reset point cloud movements - Added ability to adjust scale 2.4.7060.25504 (v6) 01/05/2019 -------------- - Stability improvements - Latest XStreamEngine 2.0 SDK 2.4.7074.24950 (v6) 15/05/2019 -------------- - Fixed Pointfuse models not being created in units other than meters 2.4.7090.18227 (v6) 31/05/2019 -------------- - Improved point snapping when "filling" is enabled 2.4.7096.19366 (v6) 06/06/2019 -------------- - Fixed crash when loading missing point cloud 2.5.7144.32200 (v6) 24/07/2019 -------------- - Automated vectorisation of point cloud data - Remembers slice size parameters between sessions 2.5.7171.16350 (v6) 20/08/2019 -------------- - Fixed scaling bug with automated vectorisation in different page units - Fixed vectorisation not working in some language zones 2.5.7196.16250 (v6) 14/09/2019 -------------- - Improved network streaming performance 2.5.7313.21426 (v6) 10/01/2020 -------------- - Latest XstreamEngine SDK 2.5.7340.24138 (v6) 10/02/2020 -------------- - Latest XstreamEngine SDK 2.5.7370.34402 (v6) 06/03/2020 -------------- - Latest XstreamEngine SDK 2.5.7381.23700 (v6) 13/03/2020 -------------- - Latest XstreamEngine SDK - Fixed bug where E57 intensity exports were incorrect 2.5.7384.21533 (v6) 20/03/2020 -------------- - Fixed bug where UI was not refreshed if not first panel in tool pallete 2.6.7451.21585 16/06/2020 -------------- - New Look & Feel - Updated XStreamEngine - New Vectorisation Engine - Improved Lighting 2.6.7506.22162 20/07/2020 -------------- - Ability to set start position of shader - Switching between slices will automatically reposition construction plane if "Attach" is selected 2.6.7528.14364 11/08/2020 -------------- - Corrected issue where multiple alignments would rotate around wrong axis - Updated XStreamEngine 3.0.7537.19768 25/08/2020 -------------- - Pro Version (Copy, Delete, CSV Export, Plane Through Points, Renderer) - Improved network streaming support - Updated XStreamEngine 3.0.7539.14344 31/08/2020 -------------- - Fixed issue where some properties were not reloaded correctly 3.1.7565.19509 22/09/2020 -------------- - Added "Clash Detection" to Professional version 3.2.7591.20458 14/10/2020 -------------- - Improved "Clash Detection" for point to point - Added ability to copy clash points to native Rhino points - Added ability to copy settings/point clouds from one document to another 3.3.7611.23546 03/11/2020 -------------- - Updated XStreamEngine - Faster point rendering - Added user check to deleting points - Fixed issue where come point cloud copies would have sparse points when zoomed out 3.4.7636.18519 01/12/2020 -------------- - Updated XStreamEngine - Faster point cloud performance - Improved alignment control 3.4.7696.23852 26/01/2021 -------------- - Fixed issue where scripting wouldn't always refresh UI lists 4.0.7754.19433 (08/04/2021) -------------- - Updated XStreamEngine - Faster point cloud performance - Zappcha Support 4.0.7757.20311 (19/05/2021) -------------- - Fixed issue where lost network connectivity could cause the software to fail to start 4.0.7839.18442 (18/06/2021) -------------- - Improved consistency of view & construction plane when moving a slice 4.0.7846.27567 (05/08/2021) -------------- - Fixed issue where new drawings could not open Zappcha clouds - Updated to .NET v4.8 4.0.7947.18762 (04/10/2021) -------------- - Fixed issue where slices didn't always align correctly to curves - Updated XStreamEngine 4.1.7955.24863 (12/10/2021) -------------- - Ability to export ReCap files 4.2.8014.17356 (10/12/2021) -------------- - Updated XStreamEngine - Improved Point Cloud Panel UI 4.3.8075.17901 (09/02/2022) -------------- - Apply Rhino Clipping Planes to Point Cloud - Improved Zappcha browser dialog - Improved point rendering quality - Improved license check stability 4.3.8153.15693 (28/04/2022) -------------- - Improved Zappcha browser stability - Highlight missing files 5.0.8220.17623 (04/07/2022) -------------- - Support for Veesus Subscriptions - Improved high quality point rendering 5.0.8227.18225 (13/07/2022) -------------- - Faster Zappcha Streaming - Fixed hang on application exit 5.0.8229.23315 (15/07/2022) -------------- - Improved network latency - Improved stability 5.0.8234.57772 (21/07/2022) -------------- - Improved GPU Compatability - Improved Render performance - Improved lighting 5.0.8252.15881 (15/08/2022) -------------- - New XStreamEngine - Improved support for international localization with subscription sign in 5.0.8269.16284 (22/08/2022) -------------- - Improved stability with networked point cloud files - Save login credentials 5.0.8291.24515 (21/09/2022) -------------- - Fixed memory leak - Improved stability - Streamlined login process 5.0.8340.16108 (01/11/2022) -------------- - Improved Point Cloud Opacity Mode 5.0.8352.17228 (08/11/2022) -------------- - Memory Leak Fix 2023.0.8439.15843 (27/02/2023) ----------------- - Support for High Compression VPC file format - Improved upload stability to Zappcha cloud service - Improved stability and performance - New version numbering 2023.0.8445.15222 (06/03/2023) ----------------- - Fixed "File Protection" bug causing corrupt VPC files. - Updated VC++ runtime libraries to latest releases. - Improved Point Server connection stability 2023.0.8451.13443 (13/03/2023) ----------------- - Fixed bug where copying small amounts of points could crash application 2023.0.8453.16231 (14/03/2023) ----------------- - Fixed compatability with GPU driver update which may prevent point clouds from rendering 2023.1.8461.11121 (22/03/2023) ----------------- - Support for shared Zappcha URLs - Default point cloud quality realigned from 30% to 100% 2023.1.8482.27434 (23/03/2023) ----------------- - Fixed bug where some projects were not loading all properties - Added point cloud origin readout to UI - Improved look and feel of properties window 2023.1.8501.19194 (23/03/2023) ----------------- - Fixed crash when exporting point cloud clippings - Fixed shader Enabled check box not respecting window selection 2023.2.8630.15188 (23/08/2023) ----------------- - Integrated Help - Improved login error messages - Updated XStreamEngine, improved performance & stability 2023.2.8825.10133 (29/09/2023) ----------------- - Fixed issue with logging in on some older Windows versions 2023.3.9010.21142 (14/11/2023) ----------------- - Improved performance and stability - Early access support for new dynamic Veesus voxel files 2023.3.9012.10129 (16/11/2023) ----------------- - Fixed Slicing Bug 2023.3.9727.29462 (23/11/2023) ----------------- - Improved network streaming performance - Fixed potential dead lock bug - Improved data density in orthographic views 2023.3.9730.32757 (29/11/2023) ----------------- - Fixed "Highlight" option performing slice action too 2023.3.9838.15178 (15/12/2023) ----------------- - Rhino 8 support - Improved UI feedback for local file access 2024.0.8774.27087 (11/01/2024) ----------------- - Improved Voxel memory usage and performance - Fixed sparse rendering bug - Fixed slices moving camera incorrectly on first load 2024.1.8788.18015 (23/01/2024) ----------------- - Improved multi window rendering performance - Automatic account login